Angel numbers are everywhere but only a handful of people can see them. Luckily, as the world is becoming increasingly spiritual, this number is also increasing. Why is the world becoming more spiritual you ask? Well, people are slowly realizing that their lifestyles are taking a toll on them and they don’t want to be in the rat race anymore. They are prioritizing their well-being above all else, which is as it should be. If we are unwell physically or psychologically, we are in no shape to make best decisions and let alone care for others. All reasons for more spirituality aside, it is no coincidence that more people than ever report seeing angel numbers.
What Are Angel Numbers?
Angel numbers are sequences such as 111, 1111, 1010, 1212, 222, 333, 444, 555, and so on, that appear on pretty much anything: a clock, a licence plate, a house number, a store receipt, a merchandize price, a telephone number, and the list goes on. Some may think it a coincidence and perhaps at times it is. However, if the number sequences appear on a regular basis over an extended period of time, especially different sequences, you will agree that it’s no coincidence at all. The general consensus in the spiritual world is that the angels use number sequences to communicate with human beings. Each number sequence carries a special message from the angels. I will discuss some of the most common sequences shortly. But first, let me explain why these numbers are important.

© Heather Guerra | Flickr
Why You Should Pay Attention To Angel Numbers
I have been seeing angel numbers on a daily basis for close to 2 years now. The number sequences vary from day to day and not a day goes by that I don’t notice them. In the beginning, I have to admit I was a bit confused. After seeing the numbers a few times I said to myself this is odd, but after seeing the numbers a few times a day for an entire week, I went online to do some digging. I thought this can’t be happening only to me and there must be an explanation of some sort. That’s how I learned about the angel numbers and realized that the angels were trying to communicate with me. And then I became terrified. Angels want to tell me something? Why me? What have I done?
At the time, I was mentally exhausted from a full-time job where corporate politics played a crucial daily role. On top of that, I knew I was missing something in my life, a goal perhaps, a vision of my future. In addition to caring for my 2 daughters, friends and family often came to me with stories that unfortunately drained all of my energy. I am easily approachable and love helping people out. Isn’t that what life is all about anyway? But all these things combined took a toll on me. And maybe I was silently praying for an end to it because the angels helped me start to think differently and to make positive changes in my life. After deciphering their messages I learned that they wanted me to take care of myself first. After I started being good to myself, a big positive change would come. And it has come! I no longer have a stressful corporate job but am doing something I love. My energy is also more focused on loving myself as I love my children and that means sometimes saying ‘no’ to friends and family and spending more time doing things I enjoy.
I also want to mention another point of view regarding being contacted by the angels. Many people believe that when the angels are trying to communicate with an individual, they have selected that individual to be a change agent and represent them on Earth. As the individual receives light from the angels in the form of epiphany or motivation, the individual will start emitting this light to everyone around them, essentially lifting the spirits of anyone who crosses their path. This is not hard to imagine. Happy people touch others by radiating happiness. And the same goes with individuals who have been in touch with the angels.
I am not saying I am more special than anyone else. Far from it. But it is comforting to know that the angels have my back. Whenever I see a number sequence, it’s a reminder to continue to have faith in the workings of the Universe as everything will be alright in the end.
What Do Angel Numbers Mean?
The following video offers by far the best explanation on angel number sequences that I have come across.
In addition, this numerology site has the meaning of all possible number sequences. You might want to bookmark it if you find yourself noticing strange number patterns. Or, if you are like me, you can create a table of most common number sequences, print it off, and keep with you at all times for easy reference. Though by now I have a pretty good understanding of all the main sequences as I have seen them way too many times and don’t need table help anymore.
Here are more common number sequences:
111 or 1111
Be mindful of your thoughts or what you are thinking of at the present moment as those thoughts will manifest into physical reality. Therefore, it is important to stay positive. The Universe is listening.
222 or 2222
All that is out of balance will surface so you can see clearly where balance is needed. This is a call to balance your mind, body, and spirit. You will be met with opportunities to remove chaos from your life.
This number is known as a catalyst. Obstacles will be removed so you can build your foundation for what is to come. You may find a great drive to remove emotions and beliefs that are no longer serving you. Focus all your attention on the change you wish to make rather than on what you don’t want to remain. It is a message that you are cleaning house, both within and without. If met with obstacles, let them pass through, creating as little resistance as possible.
After cleaning house, you can start building a new future. You will have a strong desire to begin again. Repeating number 4 carries a grounding energy. You will find yourself drawn to many things which will help you ground yourself to the Earth. You are being urged to build the strongest foundation possible to build new dreams. Expect greatness to manifest in your life.
A large shift will emerge in your lifepath. The energy of this number brings a fresh start. You are now firmly capable of planting your feet on new enlightened path to continue your journey with confidence. There will be some uncertainty as with all change. Focus all energy on receiving positive results. Relish in the excitement of what is to come.
For more number sequences, view the full video above.
If you are reading this text, chances are you have seen repeating numbers or are fascinated by the phenomenon. What is your experience with repeating numbers? What have you learned from them? Leave a comment.
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