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Welcome! I’m Marjana Simic, the voice behind Tulip Nation. By profession, I’m an IT geek. I’m also a devoted mother of 2 girls, a bookworm, a cook, a housekeeper. I see beauty and innocence in everything and everyone. That can be both good and bad, but it’s mostly good.
Throughout life, I have often been the one that friends and family approached for advice on various matters. It’s not that I’m super wise – I think it’s because I have a big heart and an open mind. Frankly, people can just feel who they can open up to. Helping others is one reason I decided to make my blog about mind, body, and spirit. The other reason is a personal journey of learning – to enhance awareness and be more mindful, to grow spiritually and connect with the universe, and finally, to self-heal. Through my articles I hope you will find the truth that speaks to you, that urges you to improve a habit, a relationship, a way of thinking, or open up your horizons for new life opportunities.
Should you wish to send feedback or discuss a topic privately, I am very encouraging of this. I will do my best to respond the same day.