Recently I watched a documentary Awaken Your Healing Energy with Deborah King on and was immediately fascinated by the subject. The fact that our bodies are full of energy vibrations and we can use those vibrations to heal ourselves and others makes me wonder why aren’t more people using these techniques?
I decided to test out the energy healing firsthand and visited an energy healer in my area. Without revealing much about myself, she was able to determine that I had doubts about my new venture (blogging) and whether I could be successful. She then performed a reiki session to instill confidence in me. I don’t know how but after the session I really felt like blogging was my true calling and believed that it will be successful. The purpose was much more clear and the desire to succeed was amplified.
There is a popular belief that energy healing can cure cancer and other “untreatable” diseases by healing the body on a cellular level, or making cells happy as I’ve heard someone say. If you are skeptical of this, just watch this video. Many master energy healers have been able to cure patients with stage IV cancer. Think about how many lives could have been saved or be saved if this was common knowledge.
So what is energy healing and how does it work?

© Monika Wisniewska |
Reiki, a popular energy practice, was developed in Japan by Usui Sensei and was brought to the West by Takata Sensei. During a Reiki session, the healer channels universal energy to the body of the ailed person while incorporating chanting, praying, and sound therapy. The healer scans the 7 chakras (or energy fields) in the body and focuses their attention to the chakras that may be blocked. A blocked chakra means the energy is not flowing or not flowing well in a certain area of the body. Reiki releases these energies and gets them flowing again, leaving the people re-energized and generally feeling better.
Certain crystals or gemstones can also be used during a Reiki session, as there is a belief among practitioners that they are conduits for healing. Gemstones that vary from red to purple in colour, for example, are associated with the 7 chakras in the body. Rose quarts is associated with the heart and may be used to heal a heartbreak or induce self-love. Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones and may be used to raise awareness of a person’s higher purpose. Yellow topaz may be used to boost energy throughout the body. The list goes on. Although the use of crystals in healing is not backed up by science, the Native American people believe they are a part of mother nature with the ability to heal, like any other part of nature.
Let’s look at the 7 chakras in the body, or chi/qi in Chinese. They are:
- Root (I AM – responsible for sense of safety and security)
- Sacral (I FEEL – responsible for our emotions)
- Solar Plexus (I DO – the core chakra representing our energy center)
- Heart (I LOVE – located in the middle to balance the physical chakras and spiritual chakras)
- Throat (I SPEAK – responsible for voice and communication)
- Third Eye (I SEE – responsible for spiritual insight)
- Crown (I UNDERSTAND – responsible for connection with oneself and the Universe)
You may already be familiar with these spots if you meditate regularly. By learning about the different chakras we can pinpoint areas of distress and work towards healing them, whether through conventional or alternative methods or both. It is important to note that both methods are equally important and should be chosen with care. Always get a second and third opinion! For example, you may be experiencing chest pain regularly. You go for a scan and it shows nothing. Then you decide to go see an energy healer who tells you that your heart chakra is blocked due to some unresolved issues from the past, perhaps an old relationship that you haven’t had closure on, or a wound that hasn’t healed. Giving energy healing a try in this case wouldn’t hurt.

© Transiastock |
Emotional Freedom Technique
My energy healer also taught me certain EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping sequences that promote self-healing. Tapping certain points on the body releases stress from the cells and reminds the body to go to default mode. There are many sequences for different ailments including anxiety, guilt, fear, pain, and many others. It is recommended to use a tapping sequence whenever you are feeling “off”. I was able to find the official tutorial by EFT founder Gary Craig. You can start using the sequences in your daily life to relieve negative emotions or even physical pain. I would love to hear how the tapping went for you. Feel free to leave a comment!
Energy healing is only as good as your will to heal. If you constantly eat junk food or think negatively, you can’t expect a Reiki session to heal you because the bad habits will return. More often than not, this type of healing involves a shift in thinking or lifestyle and only you have the ability to do this. Go ahead, give energy healing a try! You may be surprised how effective it is and kick yourself for not having tried it sooner.
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