To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. – Buddha
I wanted a big focus on the topic of loving oneself because I think it’s the first step to enlightenment. You need to accept yourself the way you are before you accept anybody or anything else. This specific post is about loving your body and it is Part I. In Part II I will talk about reasons to love yourself as a being.
The reason I published the post about the body first is that there is so much media influence on body image that is brainwashing people in an unhealthy and even dangerous way. Striving to achieve certain body results or trying to fit in or feel “attractive” often ends in disappointment. It is because trying to look “perfect” is a never-ending cycle. However, feeling good about your body does not have to be a never-ending cycle. Below are some of my suggestions on why you should absolutely love your body just the way it is.
1. Your Body Does Not Define You
You know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? Well, it’s triple more important in the context of loving your body. Your body is merely a means to carry yourself around, a physical mass carrying your consciousness. It is not your thoughts, your character, your soul. It is not your history nor your future. Therefore, your body does not define YOU. The real you is separate from the body.
2. Your Body Is Unique
No two people on Earth have the exact same shaped bodies. Isn’t that alone a great reason to love your body? Even identical twins differ to an extent. Have a slightly larger nose or ears or chin? Have shorter legs or arms? A bit on the heavier or skinnier side? Embrace it! Make fun of it at your own expense! You will find that once you do this others will embrace it as well. Alternatively, pick one good feature on your body to cherish. Everyone has one, be it the soft skin, great hair, elegant fingers, dreamy eyes, or addictive smile. Chances are this one good feature of yours looks better than on 75% of other people.
3. Your Body Tells A Story
Throughout life our bodies accumulate a number of scars, big or small. It doesn’t matter if they are ugly or remind us of unfortunate events. What matters is that they tell stories of survival and perseverance. We should cherish our scars because we learned from them and those lessons made us stronger. Whatever you do, do not hide your scars! They give depth to your character.
4. Your Body Can Lift You Up
Be thankful that your body can lift you up when you fall and hurt yourself. Not many animals can do this. Of course getting yourself up depends on the situation but if you break one leg or one arm you should be able to do it. Our bodies are intricately designed (or shall I say evolved) to help us handle numerous life situations.
5. Your Body Has A Special Heritage
This point ties in with point #2. Your body is also unique because it comes from a certain heritage line. Your ancestors may all have had darker or lighter skin, a more pronounced nose, cheekbones, or behind. Or you might possess a few features from different cultures as a result of a cultural mix. Whatever traits you inherited from your ancestors, carry them proudly!
6. Your Body Abides By Your Wishes
Our bodies are incredibly flexible and versatile. For example, if you wanted to lose a few pounds all you have to do is combine exercise with diet, and stick to the plan of course. Your body will change according to your wishes, if you guide it well. The opposite is also true. If you don’t nourish your body with healthy food and skin care, it will start deteriorating.
7. Disliking Your Body Is Useless
Really. You don’t gain anything from disliking your body, other than stress and anxiety. Do yourself a favour and stop this attitude right now. Nobody is perfect, and who wants to be perfect anyway? Instead, love your moles, freckles, and birthmarks. Love the imperfection that is you!
8. Consider Less Fortunate Cases
There are many people in the world who don’t have the luxury of using both arms or legs, or who are unable to utilize one or more senses (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell). Consider these disabilities and how you would feel if your life were impacted in any one of those ways. Be thankful that your body is a faithful servant.
9. Your Body Can Move You
How about loving your body just for giving you the ability to walk, dance, run, jump, play sports and instruments, write and draw? Right about now you should be thinking that your body is pretty awesome. And you are absolutely right. But here is one last reason to love your body.
10. Your Body Can Hear You
My mom loves plants and she has a habit of talking to them. According to her, the plants can hear and respond to their owner. For the longest time I thought this was science fiction but recently I read an article that suggests the same idea for the human body. Essentially, if you talk to your body or a particular part of your body, it will respond in a positive way. Many scientific studies showed how physical pain subsided or ceased altogether after talking to the body. Incredible! Give it a try.
I hope I’ve convinced you that your body is pretty amazing just the way it is. Feel free to bookmark this post and when you feel uncertain, just re-read the list to boost self-confidence.
Do you have a favourite part of the body? Feel free to share it in the comments, as well as the reason behind it.
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